by Eugen Pfister
The following essay originally appeared on 15.04.2020 – i.e. at the first peak of the Corona pandemic – on the blog “Learning from Corona”. Despite the lower number of cases in 2020 than in 2021, the unfamiliar pandemic threat created a mood of unease in many countries. Streets remained empty for days and weeks, and many people were afraid to go outside.
In our SNF-Ambizione research project we aim to show that digital games, as an integral part of popular culture, have not only an entertainment function but also a communication function. It is part of our popular culture that we as a society exchange our common values, our taboos and world views on a daily basis. Naturally these ideological statements are often exaggerated beyond recognition in fictional settings. Faced with dragons, zombies and mutants, we forget that we are also dealing with real-world issues such as freedom of expression, autocracy and environmental protection. So for many people, even without any prior exposure to such issues, first mental frames of reference can emerge.

It is precisely this transfer process between the virtual worlds of games (as part of our popular culture) and our everyday lives that we are now witnessing during the Corona pandemic. In the face of new challenges, we tend to resort to our own memory in order to correctly identify dangers and develop coping strategies. Very few of us in Western Europe have had a personal experience with a comparable crises of this magnitude. Hence we must draw from our collective memory. Which potential dangers should we prepare ourselves for and how? This means that many of us are compelled to resort to dystopian scenarios in film, literature and video games, both to understand the pandemic (and the dangers it poses) and to cope with it.
„Silent Hill, April 2020 – Learning from Horror Games“ weiterlesen