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Liste der Fallstudien

Alan Wake
(english version)
2010Remedy Entertainment (Finnland)Microsoft Game StudiosXBOX 360Survival Horror
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
(english version)
2013The Chinese Room (UK)Frictional GamesWindowsSurvival Horror
BioShock 2
(english version)
20102K Marin (US)2K GamesXBOX 360First Person Shooter
Bulb Boy2015Bulbware (Polen)BulbwareWindowsPuzzle
Cursed Mountain2009Games that Matter (Österreich)Deep SilverWiiSurvival Horror
Darkest Dungeon2016Red Hook Studios (Kanada)Red Hook StudiosWindowsRPG
Darkwood2017Acid Wizard Studio (Polen)Acid Wizard StudioWindowsRPG
Deadly Premonitions2010Access Games (Japan)Rising Star GamesPS3Survival Horror
Dead Island2011Techland (Polen)Deep SilverPS4Open World
Dead Space: Extraction2009Visceral Games (US)Electronic ArtsWiiRail
Detention2017Red Candle Games (Taiwan)Red Candle GamesWindowsPuzzle
Limbo2010Playdead (Dänemark)PlaydeadWindowsPlattform
Lollipop Chainsaw2012Grasshopper Manufacture (Japan)Warner Bros.XBOX 360Hack and Slay
Outlast2013Red Barrels Inc. (Kanada)Red Barrels Inc.WindowsSurvival Horror
Resident Evil 7
(english version)
2017Capcom (Japan)CapcomPS4Survival Horror
Shadows of the Damned2011Grasshopper Manufacture (Japan)Electronic ArtsPS3Third-Person- Shooter
Soma2015Frictional Games (Schweden)Frictional GamesWindowsSurvival Horror
The Evil Within 22017Tango Gameworks (Japan)Bethesda SoftworksPS4Survival Horror
The Last of Us (english version)2013Naughty Dog (US)SonyPS4Third-Person- Shooter
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter2014The Astronauts (Polen)The AstronautsPS4Adventure
Until Dawn
(english version)
2015Supermassive Games (UK)SonyPS4Adventure
Vampyr2018Dontnod (Frankreich)FocusPS4RPG